Brokering Service
Brokering Service for all kind of securities listed with NEPSE, such as, shares and stocks, debentures and bonds, mutual fund units etc.
Read MoreDepository Services
We are also registered depository participant with CDSC. We provide depository/custodial services for your valuable stock.
Read MoreOnline Services
We provide an online login for the Trading System to place buy and sell orders.
Read MoreMessage from Chairperson
DDKC, as a leader of the industry, been trying to make our presence more significance day by day through the process of learning, adopting and most importantly feed-forwarding. Customer satisfaction with regularity compliance is the theme of our business ethics and sustainability. For this we promise to focus on continuous development of our capacity to serve with enriched and updated technology and trained human resources. We are always trying to maintain effective customer complain handling mechanism that ensures customized, effective and necessity-based service offering.
The cross-cultural and diversified staffs are result oriented along with dynamism in their hospitable service and delivery of tasks and responsibilities. A strong foundation aligned with innovative and creative backbone of the company, we will deliver best technological and one window onboarding facilities to our clients. We withhold different forms of the securities or brokerage business all over Nepalese market.
We are committed in continuous innovation in service and investment in technology as well as hu ...

“Know what you own, and know why you own it. - Peter Lynch”
Market Overview
As Of:
News & Events
Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited (NLIC) has announced a 21.05% dividend totaling Rs. 1.72 Arba f...
Nepal Life Insurance Proposes 21.05% Dividend for FY 2080/81
Salt Trading Corporation Limited (STC) has announced a proposal to distribute a 10% cash dividend to...
Salt Trading Corporation Proposes 10% Cash Dividend for Fiscal Ye...
तारागाउँ रेगेन्सी होटल लिमिटेड (TRH) ले आर्थिक वर्ष २०८०/८१ का लागि ११% नगद लाभांश प्रस्ताव गरेको छ।...
Taragaon Regency Hotel proposes 11% Cash Dividend For FY 2080/81
छिमेक लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्था लिमिटेड (CBBL) ले आर्थिक वर्ष २०८०/८१ का लागि १५% लाभांश, जसको कुल मूल...
Chhimek Laghubitta Sanstha Proposes 15% Dividend for FY 2080/81
Mountain Energy Nepal Limited (MEN) has announced a 15.7895% dividend proposal f...
Mountain Energy Nepal Proposes 15.7895% Dividend for FY 2080/81
Broker Charges
खरिद तथा विक्री कारोबारमा धितोपत्र दलाली बापत लिन पाउने सेवा शुल्क | |
रु. ५०,०००।– सम्म | ०.३६ % |
रु. ५०,०००।– माथि रु.५,००,०००।– सम्म | ०.३३ % |
रु. ५,००,०००।– माथि रु. २०,००,०००।–सम्म | ०.३१ % |
रु. २०,००,०००।– माथि रु. १,००,००,०००।– सम्म | ०.२७ % |
रु. १,००,००,०००।– माथि | ०.२४ % |
निक्षेप सदस्यले लिने शुल्क | |
खाता खोल्ने शुल्क | रु. १५० (एक पटक मात्र) |
खाता नविकरण तथा संचालन शुल्क | रु. १०० (प्रति आ.व) |
धितोपत्र हस्तान्तरण शुल्क | रु. २५ (प्रति कम्पनी, प्रति दिन) |
धितोपत्र रोक्का तथा फुकुवा शुल्क | रु. ५० प्रति कम्पनी |
घरायसी नामसारी शुल्क | २ प्रतिशत वा न्यूनत्तम रु.२०० |
मृत्यु नामसारी शुल्क | ०.५ प्रतिशत वा न्यूनत्तम रु.२५ |